Monday, July 7, 2014

A final adieu

The return home went by without incident, though the there were many tired bodies on the coach. We got back to sheffield for 12:30 but most of us made it to sports day in the morning.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A lovely Afternoon

We spent a relaxing afternoon in the old town of Geneva, sampling the amazing ice creams, wandering about the fountains and winding alleys, topped off with a bit of a paddle in the lake. 
The reformation wall in the park next to the Place de Neuve.

Red Cross Museum

Had a moving visit to the Red Cross Museum this morning. We were not sure what to expect, but the guide and witness accounts of events we heard taught us so much about the history of the Red Cross and the extent of their work. We also got to see the original Geneva Convention.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Evening of fun

After the UN visit there was some demand to see more beach volleyball. Some prefered to go for a swim in the lake swimming pool and all had ice cream. The evening was completed by visiting a bowling alley to further study newtons three laws.

The impressive UN

The afternoon took us on a tour of the united nations building in Geneva. The guided tour was very informative, discussing the league of nations, as well as the parts of the UN based in geneva. Most of this relates to the vast work the UN undertakes to help people who are suffering in the world. The buildings and conference rooms were also impressive.

Morning shopping in geneva

The morning was meant to be spent shopping in the centre of geneva. The girls were however distracted on route by some sporting prowess. I was at some loss to understand the interest in beach volleyball, however it seemed to put them in the mood to shop, once we had crossed the lake in the water taxis.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Big Day at CERN

In the afternoon we had the key visit to CERN. We arrived early and looked round the microcosm museum. The main tour started with a lecture which was pitched a bit above nearly everyone's head. However it had its funny moments. We then boarded a bus and visited two experiments, one called AMS, which is a muon detector on the international space station. The second was the CMS detector which was a fabulous tour to visit the LHC ring and detector. Admire the pictures.

Morning in Geneva

This morning was lovely and we walked down by the late, took a water taxis to visit the Jet D'eau.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

At the airport

At the airport in Manchester, waiting to fly. Security was a bit tighter than normal. Unfortunately the flight is delayed a bit but that means more shopping time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The night Before

Hope you are all excited. I am not sure if I will sleep. What will be better the Atlas experiment or the Jet 'eau.
Atlas Detector
Jet D'eau
Don't stay up too late.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Physics Trip to CERN

DAY 1 - Thursday 3rd July
        13.30  Depart SHS for Manchester
        18.20  Depart on Flight EZY1953
        21.10  Arrive in Geneva
Public transport to centre of Geneva and walk to Geneva Youth Hostel

Pre_trip Material

Outbound: Thursday 3rd July

Flight Number: EZY1953

Manchester 18.20pm – Geneva 21.10pm

  •  Sharp items—e.g. paper knives, razor blades, metal nail file
  • Scissors
  •  Matches
  • Liquids—must be in individual containers & not greater than 100ml capacity. All containers must be in a transparent re-sealable bag, no larger than 20cm x 20cm. Only one re-sealable bag per passenger is allowed.
Please Note: Baggage Allowance
·  1 piece of hand luggage (20x40x50cm )—not to exceed 10kg