

DAY 1 - Thursday 3rd July
        13.30  Depart SHS for Manchester
        18.20  Depart on Flight EZY1953
21.10  Arrive in Geneva
Public transport to centre of Geneva and walk to Geneva Youth Hostel

DAY 2 - Friday 4th July
8:00 Breakfast @ Youth Hostel
9:30 Morning walk into town
13:00 Visit CERN and tour
19:00 Evening meal at Youth Hostel
20:00 Visit Jet D’eau 

 DAY 3-Saturday 5th July
        8:00   Breakfast @ Youth Hostel
        9:30    Morning shopping in town centre
        13:00  Afternoon guided visit round UN
16:00 Visit to Meyrin outdoor pool
18.30 Evening meal @ Youth Hostel
20:00 Meyrin Bowling

DAY 4-Sunday 6th July
8:00  Breakfast @ Youth Hostel
9:00  Pack and store luggage
10:00 Guided visit of Red Cross museum
12:00 Return to old town.
17:30 Pick up luggage and go to airport
21:40 Depart on flight EZY1954
22:35 Arrive Manchester
23:50 Arrive at Botanical Gardens

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